
Junior High Scares Me

As y'all know, I've just started junior high and the thing that bothers me is the extreme differences of some people. For example, some kids do drugs while others have never even touched a beer bottle. I didn't really know anyone ever on the bad side of the differences except now. There's a rumor saying someone (I'll call her M) is pregnant. Like, there are some girls in my grade that have never even had a crush! M was in my class in 1st grade which was a long ago and she was kinda my friend before she became popular so I kinda hope it's not true but kinda not care at the same time.


I hate Ike

I hate Hurricane Ike. I know have no school or anything but the power went out for 4 days (it went back on yesterday) and a couple of trees fell down and one made a hole in my roof. I would post some post-hurricane pictures but I didn't take any (unfortunately). School's out for the rest of the week so yay for that.


New School

I started school on August 25 at a new school. The school's HUGE and I have a lot of homework so I have no time to knit and do my other hobbies.
Today was the first day of PE and we had to run around the football field/track while the cross-country kids called us wimps for not able to run 5 miles without wanting to pass-out. The locker rooms also stink so my friends and I are planning to each bring a bottle of perfume or body spay to make the place smell pretty.

My life, my issues, and my solutions.