
My Busy Week

WOW!! I had a really exciting and busy week.

Tuesday: April Fool's Day

Wednesday: Got JellyBean Featured on Mochimochi Land

Thursday: Bought books at the book fair at my school

Derrick's 2nd grade musical (he was a cloud)

Finished making all the pieces to my Sausage dog

Today: My long term sub's last day (I made her a heart)

Stuffed my Sausage Dog and named her Agatha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, cute sausage dog.
I made a bunch of hearts for my friends for valentine's day. They liked them, but sewing up the little teeny pieces took forever.
There are some other cute toy patterns on www.knittingpatterncentral.com

My life, my issues, and my solutions.