
Things that happened

Thursday, April 10: I found out I was one of the 25 people who will get to go to the World Cultures Summit.

Sunday, April 13: Started working on a Sausage Dog for my friend Domino.

Tuesday, April 15: I EARNED MY BRONZE AWARD IN GIRL SCOUTS!!! If you're one of my teachers who's reading this, I didn't skip school to help with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). If you're not one of my teachers or the principal or the AP, I so totally did.

Later that day: I finished making the Sausage Dog for Domino.

Not much happened today, except I got new shoes.

My old ones are the one with a hole in the right shoe. My new ones are the black ones.

Here is a list of books I want to read:
Where the Red Fern Grows
The Hobbit
Dear Dumb Diary: Never Underestimate Your Dumbness
IDK, maybe a book on plantains or bananas.


Anonymous said...

Nice shoes! Where the red fern grows is a pretty good book.
Why plantains or bananas?

Anonymous said...

Well, pantains and bananas are basically the same thing and I was doing what I always do: being random.

My life, my issues, and my solutions.