
Newton's Third Law

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." ---Isaac Newton

Happy Lance Armstrong Day!

I think I set a trend today. Everyone had to wear yellow to school today and I brought a box of foam stickers to give to my friends who didn't wear yellow. Then, other people started asking for yellow foam stickers and I ran out by 2nd block.

There are two reasons why I wrote Mr.N's 3rd law up there. 1)There's a science test on Friday 2) I got a bad tummy ache after I ran out of stickers.

I think a possibility of having strap throat is the unequal and opposite reaction. Wow, I'm learning inequalities in math. See Domino, math and science are strongly related.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shut up! Btw, howz da flight??? E-mail my mom about it.

My life, my issues, and my solutions.